The Importance of Guarding the Jungle in League of Legends
In the wake of increasing debates amongst the gaming community, a popular question has emerged about the importance of guarding the Jungle area in the early stages of League of Legends.
Traditional Approach to the Jungle
Traditionally, players often overlook this strategic move, which can sometimes lead to early gains for the opposing team. Generally, players are more focused on their lanes and tend to neglect the Jungle area until later on in the game. The beginning period of the game is often used as a time to scale up, so many players find it not necessary to guard the Jungle initially.
Securing the Jungle Early: Pros and Cons
However, experienced players suggest that securing the Jungle early can help control game tempo. The early defense can prevent ambushes and unexpected attacks from the opposing team. This strategy advocates for the team's jungler to collect initial resources without potential interference.
In terms of security, high-level players believe that by defending the Jungle promptly, it enables a safer environment for the team’s jungler that will result in better resource allocation and pacing. It can also serve to deter potential invaders and thus limit their early game progression.
However, the tactic does require a level of coordination among the team members. To successfully guard the Jungle at the game's start, team members need to share the same understanding to allocate the necessary resources for the defense.
In conclusion, the decision to guard the Jungle at the start of the game depends on society's playing style and preferences. For those who prioritize map control and early game advantages, this strategy can be a valuable addition to their game plan.