Starfield Player Uses Laundry Basket to Make Quick Money in Game

A clever method of making easy money in Starfield involving a laundry basket has been discovered by one innovative player.Money Laundering in <a href= alt=Starfield>Starfield</a>

An Innovative Tactic in Starfield

An innovative tactic has been discovered by a Starfield player, enabling them to steal thousands of Credits from non-playable characters (NPCs) using just a laundry basket. The unconventional method offers a fresh meaning to the term 'money laundering.'

Quick money-making strategies in Starfield

In Starfield, there are several strategies for quickly making money, whether through smuggling and selling Contraband or using infamous tricks. Understanding profitable tactics in Starfield can significantly reduce the time spent saving for large spacecraft purchases or dream houses.

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Use of a Laundry Basket in Theft

One shrewd Starfield player has, however, discovered a unique method to steal thousands of Credits from unsuspecting NPCs in the game. They use nothing but a laundry basket to perform the crafty act and end up with a tidy profit.

Starfield Player Uses Laundry Basket to Make Quick Money in Game ImageAlt

The Trick's Origin

The trick's creator discovered the method during a gambling event at the Red Mile Sporting event. They managed to siphon money off gambling NPCs using a filing cabinet and laundry basket to discreetly extract the cash. Interestingly, the game does not recognize this act as theft because the money is indirectly moved into the laundry basket by an external object.

This ingenious strategy misleads the game into interpreting the theft as a simple misplacement of Credits. Upon securing every last credit safely, the quick-thinking Starfield player takes the loot into another room, where they start to cash in their prize.

The Value of the Tactic

While it may not make you a millionaire, this amusing and innovative method of money-making is certainly one of the most unique we have seen in Starfield.

Additional Information

Before attempting this trick yourself, you might want to check out our Starfield page and various guides on topics such as the main story missions, all skills, all factions, console commands, romance options, achievements, removing bounty, fast travel, easy XP and Credits, best traits, getting a house, difficulty settings and more.
