Cross-Platform Play in Fortnite

A detailed guide to understanding if Fortnite allows cross-platform playing across PlayStation, Xbox, PC, or Android.

Fortnite, a widely popular game, is available on a range of platforms. One question gamer often asks is whether Fortnite allows cross-platform play. This article provides a comprehensive guide on whether players can engage in crossplay across PlayStation, Xbox, PC, or Android platforms.

As one of the most played multiplayer games currently, Fortnite sees a never-ending influx of gamers landing on the game island daily. The experience is enhanced by a mix of pop culture crossovers, making each day's game a unique encounter.

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Many players wish to engage with their friends countrwide or around the globe. Therefore, the question of whether Fortnite enables cross-platform playing - for instance, can an Xbox console owner play with a PlayStation owner- is a frequent query.

Cross-Platform Play in Fortnite ImageAlt

We aim to address these questions below. The article outlines which platforms support cross-platform play (and the ones that do not), and how you can play cross-platform matches with friends.

Table of Contents

1. Is Fortnite cross-platform?
2. How does cross-platform Fortnite work for iPhone and Mac users?
3. Steps to enable crossplay with friends in Fortnite.

Is Fortnite cross-platform?
The good news for Fortnite fans is that the game supports cross-platform play. This implies that you can play Fortnite with players on nearly any console or device.

At present, Fortnite's cross-platform feature is available across PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Windows, and Android devices.

Is Fortnite cross-platform on iPhone and Mac?
For all those players who downloaded Fortnite on Mac or iPhone before it got removed from the Apple Store, it is worth noting that Fortnite no longer offers cross-platform support.

The lack of cross-platform compatibility can be attributed to the ongoing feud between Apple and Epic Games. As a result, if you are playing the outdated version of the game, you will be restricted to playing with other Mac or iPhone users only.

How to play cross-platform matches in Fortnite
To play cross-platform matches in Fortnite, you first need to set up an Epic account. Android and PC users should already have an existing Epic account.

After setting up an Epic account, you can add your friends using their username in the Social tab, which is accessible from the Fortnite lobby. Once your friends accept the request, it enables you to play matches together.

To recap, here are the steps to activate cross-platform matches in Fortnite:
1. Set up an Epic account.
2. If you are using PlayStation or Xbox, your Epic account must be linked with the console account.
3. Add friends by inputting their Epic username in the Social tab on the Fortnite lobby.
4. Wait for your friends to accept that request.

Once your friends have accepted your invitation, you can see them under the Epic Friends sub-head in the Social tab.

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This is all the information required about cross-platform play. While you are here, why not check out some of our other Fortnite guides mentioned below:

1. Locations of all leaked skins and cosmetics
2. Locations to find all Omni Chips.
3. Where to find all Exotic weapon locations.
4. Guide to Fortnite's split-screen.
5. Tips on Ranking up fast in Fortnite.
6. The method to get free V-Bucks and free skins.
7. Completing all weekly Fortnite challenges.
8. Ranking of best weapons.
9. Best Deathrun map codes.
10. How to Tactical Sprint.
